Natural Manure Preparation


Organic Fertilizer Preparation

Panchagavya Preparation

Panchagavya or Panchakavya, is made from the blend of five cow-derived products. In Sanskrit Panch mean five and gavya means cow; hence the name Panchagavya.
Basic Information

Preparation Time
21 Days
Shelf life
6 Months
When to Use?
200 Litres is applied per acre through irrigation water or direct soil application.
Generally, it is accepted that every 15 days the manure can be applied.
How to Use?
For spraying - 3% of the solution in water i.e. 3 litres of Panchagavya to every 100 litres of water, is the most appropriate proportion for spraying.
For irrigation - For irrigation, the amount of Panchagavya per litre should be 20 litres/acre.
For seed treatment - Soak the seeds for 20 minutes in 3% Panchagavya solution in water before planting. Similarly rhizomes of turmeric or ginger and cutting of sugarcane should be soaked for 30 minutes before planting.

S. No
Ingredient Name
Qty in Litres/Kg
Fresh Native cow’s dung
5 Kgs
Native Cow urine ( Not to be Fresh)
3 Litres
Cow Milk boiled and cooled (not refrigerated)
2 Litres
Cow Milk Curd
2 Litres
Cow Ghee
500 Grams
Tender Cocunut
3 Litres
12 Numbers
Black Jaggery or sugarcane juice (3litres)
500 Grams
Water ( if Jaggery is used)
3 Litres

Mix cow dung and ghee and keep it in a mud pot / plastic drum.  
Cover the mixture with a wire mesh / plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs. Keep the drum/pot under a shade during preparation.  
Leave the mixture for three to five days and stir it twice a day (preferably morning and evening once).  Stirring the contents for about twenty minutes facilitates aerobic microbial activity.
On the fourth day, add the remaining ingredients to the container. Stir the mixture twice a day for the next 15 days.

Dosage of Panchagavya

Fish Amino Acid Preparation

Fish Amino Acid (FAA) is an effective organic liquid fertilizer. Its making is very easy and we can make it cheaply. Its Made from fish and Solid Jaggery. You need to take equal amount of Fish and Jaggery. For Example for 1 KG Fish You need 1 KG Jaggery.
Preparation Time
30 Days
Shelf life
 6 months
When to Use?
Generally, the ideal time for spraying is during 6 am to 8.30 am and between 4 pm and 6.30 pm.
Generally, it is accepted that every 15 days the manure can be applied.
How to Use?
Spray System - The manure can be applied as a foliar spray.
Flow System - The solution of manure can be mixed with irrigation water, either through drip irrigation or flow irrigation.
Note - Dilute 25 ml of the manure with 1 litre of water before use.

Ingredient required

S. No
Ingredient Name
Qty in Litres/Kg
Fish / Fish Wastes
2 Kgs
2 Kgs

      Cut the Fish or Fish Waste into small pieces and place it in an air tight container.
Crush the solid jaggery into small pieces and place it as well in the container.
Mix them well and store in a cool place.  Avoid direct sunlight.
The solution can be used when the solution looks like honey.  This will take 20-30 days of fermentation.
Remove the solid fish waste by filtering the same.
The manure should be kept in the shade and kept it in an air tight container.

·       Do not use liquid type Jaggery for this, use only Solid.
·       Use Small Type Fish, Especially Sea Fish Like Sardine. Or Use Can use the Waste of Sardine. Clean the Fish Or Fish parts.
·       Dilute 25 ml of the manure with 1 litre of water before use.

Jeevamrutham Preparation

Jeevamrudam, is a crucial aid to soil preparation for enhancing yield. Made by fermenting cow dung and urine besides country sugar and ground cow pea/green gram, Jeevamrudam contains natural NPK fertilizers and so, when it is used, there is no need to add additional manure. Besides, Jeevamrudam helps establish useful microorganisms in the soil, whose activity will continuously generate nutrients needed by plants.

Basic Information
Preparation Time
3 Days
Shelf life
3 days
When to Use?
200 Litres is applied per acre through irrigation water or direct soil application.
Before flowering- once in 15 days (two sprays)
Flowering stage- once in 10 days (two sprays)
Fruit bearing stage- once.
How to Use?
Flow System - The solution of manure can be mixed with irrigation water, either through drip irrigation or flow irrigation.

S. No
Ingredient Name
Qty in Litres/Kg
200 Litres
Fresh Native Cow dung
10 Kg
Native Cow Urine
10 Litres
2 Kgs
Ground cow pea/green gram flour
2 Kgs
Soil under a tree or un-disturbed location form the same land
2-3 handfuls
Plastic Drum 250 Litres capacity
1 Number

Method of preparation
1.        First of all take 200 litres of water in the drum.
2.        Add 10 Kg of cow dung to it and mix well.
3.        Add powdered jiggery and chick pea flour, mix it well.
4.        Cover the drum with jute bag and let it ferment for a week by mixing every two days.  
5.        This mixture can be used within 2-3 days of mixing.  
6.        After a week, the microbes develop in the mixture which can be used with irrigation water, sprinkler system or drip system.

Dosage of Jeevamrutham
 200 Litres is applied per acre through irrigation water or direct soil application
Note 1 - Manure should be kept under the shade covered with a wire mesh or plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs and formation of Maggots (worms) in the solution
Note 2- Once I mix all these in, when is it ready to be fed to my plants? Usually three days. Three days because that's when the microbes have nicely got themselves into a reproduction frenzy and are all worked up and ready to enliven your soil further. You delay any further and the microbes are going to get exhausted and most will die (they do have a short life, you know - perhaps just a few hours some of them). You use it sooner - and they wouldn't have done a good enough job of the nutrient breakdown. So three days it is give or take a few hours here and there.

Role of Jeevamrutham
Soil is saturated with all the nutrients, but these are in the non-available form to the roots of the plants
Beneficial micro-organisms in Jeevamrutham converts the nutrients in non-available form into dissolved form, when it is inoculated to the soil
Jeevamrutham is either sprayed/sprinkled on the crop field or added to the irrigation tank in regular intervals of 15 days until the soil is enriched.

Nutrient contents of Jeevamrutham


  1. यह एक अद्भुत और रोचक ब्लॉग है जो प्राकृतिक खेती के बारे में जानकारी और ज्ञान बढ़ाने में मदद करता है।


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